„Central European Nursing Review” is a reviewed scientific journal (annual), published since 2022 by the Department of Nursing of the Jozef Goluchowski University of Applied Sciences (Poland) and Central European Institute of Research and Strategic Analysis.

CENR contains articles and other materials concerning Medicine and Health Sciences, with particular emphasis put on Nursing profession.

CENR is an open access journal, the electronic version of each volume is shared for free on the journal’s website under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland License.

Neither the Editorial Board nor the Publisher  nor the Editor-in-Chief of the „Central European Nursing Review” do not charge a fee for publishing articles.

I would like to invite all specialists in the field of medicine, pharmacy, health sciences, and in particular nurses, to publish articles in the Central European Nursing Review. I hope that our scientific journal will become a platform for the exchange of experiences and the latest knowledge related to the effective performance of the nursing profession.

Monika Borek, PhD, Assoc. Prof.